Morning meetings are a powerful way to start each day. The focus is to create community, highlight special events, develop learning routines, and reinforce academic and social skills.
My favorite morning meeting is when I get to pick our morning song. - Pre-K3 student
During snack time students enjoy a healthy snack from home.
Look at my dinosaur lunchbox! - Pre-K2 student
Here we build a sense of community for young learners. The teacher and students get together for singing, movement, storytelling, and dramatic reenactments.
I love story time. We read Goldilocks and the Three Bears and I was the baby bear today. - Pre-K3 student
Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 students enjoy water safety and swimming lessons.
Today, I took turtle breaths and blew big bubbles in the pool. My teacher jumped in with us and her hair got all wet! - Pre-K4 student
Students enjoy their healthy lunch in a supportive social setting. They have lunch "family style" in their classroom together.
My cat likes to eat this kind of sandwich too! - a giggling Pre-K3 student
Our EC library collection is curated to include books that represent diverse lifestyles, beliefs, and cultures. Our students learn about themselves and others.
I'm an author too, because I wrote a book in class - Pre-K4 student
At 2:30 P.M. students are picked up.
I'm very excited to see my dad, and I like to peek through the glass to see if he is waiting for me. - Pre-K3 student
Drop-off is between 7:45 and 8:15 A.M.
I got to class early today to be the first to see if our tadpoles' legs grew. Look, we have little frogs now! - Pre-K4 Student
Students explore, play, and learn in our beautiful shaded playground and large outdoor teaching terraces.
Come and see our sand city! We built a river for transporting leaves. - Pre-K4 student
Students develop vocabulary, agency, and positive dispositions of learning by designing daily plans. Students naturally engage in the inquiry cycle.
Today, I'm going to the block area with my friends. We are building a ramp for our cars that will take a long time. - Pre-K4 student
Resting is an important part of a busy EC student's day. This time is for a quiet activity, or to take a nap in your own cot. In Nursery, some children have quiet time for up to and hour and a half. From Pre-K3 it is up to an hour.
I read my favorite book in my own cot - Pre-K3 student
Spanish classes begin in Pre-K2 and continue through Grade 12. Students range from native speakers to new language learners.
When I see Senora I know it is time to play in Spanish - Pre-K3 student
Children are free to decide if they want to engage in a quiet playtime activity, or more vigorous play by joining their friends on the trike track, slide, sand area, climbing frame, exploring nature, or using the water feature.
I always wear my hat outside - Pre-K4 student
Students work in small groups with their teacher and focus on academic learning including literacy, math, science, and social studies.
Today, we worked in two small groups. My group went on a scavenger hunt, and my friend's group graphed their favorite ice cream flavors. - Pre-K4 student