Learning in Elementary school
CIS defines learning as a process of growing, deepening, and sharing conceptual understanding, competencies, and character in lasting, impactful ways.
Aligned with our definition of learning, we create an intentional balance between Head (academic pursuits and thinking), Heart (character and well-being) and Hands (competence and making a difference).
Elementary Curriculum
Social Emotional Learning
To integrate the personal and the social, the cognitive and the social-emotional, we use Positive Discipline strategies to develop in children the following “Significant Seven” assets:
Personal Capability: Facing problems through challenges and experiences
Personal Significance: Contributing to the world in meaningful ways
Personal Influence: Understanding that personal actions and choices influence one’s life
Intrapersonal Skills: Managing emotions through self-assessment, self-control and self-discipline
Interpersonal Skills: Dealing effectively with others through communication, cooperation, negotiation, sharing, empathizing and listening
Systemic Skills: Responding to the limits, consequences, and interrelatedness of human and natural systems with responsibility, adaptability, flexibility and integrity
Judgement Skills: Making decisions and choices that reflect moral and ethical principles, wisdom and, values